We deal with all type of racks | GST: 07ARMPV6128P1ZT


Garment Rack is used to display garment into group which help customer ease to access their article/product and faster deliver article/product for boost their sales.

Garment Rack is used for garment shop for men's, women's and kid's. There are different range of rack and different way to display in order to ease client customer access their article/product and boost their sales. In garment rack, we aim to display using hanger for jacket, women's clothing, new article etc and group them together to avaiable different size at single location.

Garment Rack is best suitable for garment shop best for customer and their client. In VIG INDUSTRIES, we aim to create garment racks best suitable for their shop and match their requirement.

Here are different racks that we can offer i.e.




For  any query, we are happy to assist.
